Please ensure that the following points are taken care of when leaving the Hall, to ensure that it is left in a proper condition and ready for the next user.
1. Chairs stacked in designated area in each room. Please use the trolleys.
2. Tables wiped clean and then stacked in the designated storage space.
3. All floors swept clean, and damp mopped where necessary. (Brooms and mop are kept in the ladies toilet).
4. Switch off cookers, water heaters, and ceiling heaters in the kitchen.
5. Hired china, cutlery, trays, etc. to be cleaned and checked. A list of damaged, broken or lost items to be put in the key box when returning keys.
6. Toilets – taps and water heaters turned off, toilets flushed.
7. Place rubbish in black plastic bags and place in the large waste bin outside The Centre (out through the main entrance and to the left, by the garage).
8. Ensure all personal property is taken away. The Centre Owners cannot be held responsible for the loss of personal belongings.
9. Room heaters/coolers turned off if turned on during a function .
(i) Secure all Fire Exits, windows, and doors. Close all internal doors.
(ii) All lights turned off.
(iii) For the Halls the alarm is not automatic.
To set alarm system:
touch alarm pad with key fob in top left hand corner
The alarm should now sound.
Leave the hall and lock the front door.
11. Keys to The Centre to be placed in the key box set in the main Door.