Welcome to the booking form for North Mundham Village Centre.  If you have any issues completing this form please contact us on 07555564612 or email   bookings.nmvh@northmundham.org 

Booking Form

Please select your options below.

A refundable deposit (subject to hall being left in good condition) to secure booking is required for all bookings.  The booking is not secured until an invoice has been issued and the deposit and booking fee has been paid.

£100.00 for small group bookings.

Weddings and Parties £150.00

The refundable deposit will not be returned until confirmation has been recieved from the Booking Secretary that the hall has been left in a suitable state.  Please see the end of hire checklist

A payment of the refund will be generated, we aim to have the refund paid within two weeks of confirmation that the hall has been left in a suitable state.

A minumum of one week is required to a cancellation of a booking or you will be charged the full booking fee.

The centre is note licensed for the sale of alcohol. Hirers are responsible for obtaining a Temporary Event Notice from Chichester District Council and a copy of the licence must be given to the booking secretary prior to the event.

  1. I have received and read the booking information and condition of hire.
  2. I undertake to reimburse The Centre Owners for any loss or damage to any part of the faclities or additional expenses incurred.
  3. I will leave the faclities in a a clean and useable condition in line with the end of hire checklist and report any loss or damage.