The Scope of Plan has been produced by the Neighbourhood Plan Consultant.  This plan is submitted to Chichester District Council to ensure that the Neighbourhood Plan does not conflict with the Local Plan.  The Scope of Plan also enables the District Council to decide if the Neighbourhood Plan Area requires a Strategic Environment Assessment and or a Habitat Regulation Assessment.   The Scope of Plan provides an outline of the policies that will be included in the Neighbourhood Plan.  Please take the opportunity to read the Scope of Plan here

To support the production of the Scope of Plan and to provide the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group with the evidence to support the production of your neighbourhood plan the Steering Group formed three working parties.  These working parties were tasked with providing a report on The Environment, Housing & Economic Development and Community Services & Infrastructure.


The Environment Report is still a working document and will continue to be updated however the latest draft is available to read here


The Housing & Economic Report is still a working document and will continue to be updated however the latest draft is available to read here


The Community Services Report is still a working document and will continue to be updated however the latest draft is available to read here