The North Mundham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group thanks all those landowner and developers who responded to the Call for Sites.  All the submissions will be assessed using the methodology set out in Locality’s Neighbourhood Planning document ‘How to Assess and Allocate Sites for Development’.  The results of these assessments will be published as part of the Regulation 14 consultation process.


Chichester District Council’s Local Plan has now expired and therefore they are required to provide a great number of sites until the new Local Plan is adopted, to assist with the decision making process the District Council has produced an interim policy which although currently out for consultation developers are already using this policy.  Therefore some of the sites put forward in the call for sites in the parish have already been or are in the process of being submitted to Chichester District Council for planning consideration. 


Therefore the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has invited all the developers/landowners who have put forward a site under the call for sites process to give a 10 minute presentation on their proposal, although this meeting is open to the public, it is only the members of the steering group who will have the opportunity to ask the presenters questions for clarification purposes only.  

Monday 13th July 2020
TimeSiteAgents Name Representatives Name

No meeting was held as no slots were requested. 


Tuesday 14th July 2020
TimeSiteAgents Name Representatives Name
10.00Streamside Stephen Jupp Chartered Town Planner Planning Solutions
Jeremy Rollason
Land East of The Spinney
Kerry Simmons Smith Simmons Partners Planning & Architecture
Ed Elliot Junnell Homes Land owner and Developer
10.40Land at Stoney Meadow
Chris Locke Land Manager Henry Adams
Martin Curry Partner Henry Adams & Ellie White Henry Adams
Caroline Treadell Associate Land and Planning Director at Sunley Estates Ltd (Land owner and promoter)
Rhiannon Jones Principal Planner at Neame Sutton Ltd (Planning Consultant) & Ben Baillie- Director at Cooper Baillie (Design)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 970 1563 8779

Password: 6CefxD


Wednesday 15th July 2020
TimeSiteAgents Name Representatives Name
18.30Charmans Field Runcton Lane Lisa Jackson Jackson Planning LtdAndrew Trice
18.50Land Adjacent to the Walnut Tree Pub Lisa Jackson Jackson Planning Ltd Andrew Trice

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 999 9218 7396

Password: 5CJRv0


Please note further sites may be submitted prior to Regulation 14. 


Policy Plan and Submitted Sites Policy Plan & Submitted Development Key

Submitted Sites Submitted Development Sites Key

Flood Plan & Submitted Sites

There is not the option to make the provision for no development in the parish and the parish council has been advised by Chichester District Council that it needs to provide for a minimum of 50 properties, however, this may change as Chichester District Council’s Local Plan progresses. 


North Mundham Parish Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for the North Mundham parish area under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011.

The Steering Group aim to assess future housing and other development needs and is calling for Landowners agents/managers, developers, businesses and local interest groups within the North Mundham area to submit expressions of interest for potential development sites to be considered for possible inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan for future development.

At this stage the Steering Group is not committed to allocate a proposed site to the Neighbourhood Plan. This exercise will not in itself decide whether a site would be allocated for development by the neighbourhood plan nor will it commit the proposer(s) to applying for planning consent, but it will enable the steering group to better understand the needs and wishes of the electors within its Parish area.

The site suggestions received by us including those identified in the District Council HELAA will be used to guide and inform the preparation of the Allocations of Land and Site Development section of the Neighbourhood Plan.


If you want a site/s to be considered for development by the Neighbourhood Plan, we should like to hear from you. The sites need not be in your ownership if you have a responsibility for managing them and they can be proposals for a wide range of development uses.


Please supply the following information


  • Location shown (supply map where possible showing site boundary)
  • Current use of site
  • Any known and anticipated constraints to developing site
  • Proposed type and tenure of development (market, affordable, starter homes, downsizers, family homes, retail, office, etc.)
  • The scale of proposed development (numbers)


If you would like a site to be considered, please send all relevant information including your name and full contact details no later than 31st May 2019

to Please head your submission “North Mundham Neighbourhood Plan Call for Sites”


Alternatively, you can submit by post to 1 Charlmead, East Wittering, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 8DN

Thank you