North Mundham Parish Council plays an active part in local planning issues. It is probably the area of the Council’s role that is best known to the community and which can be of the most importance to residents of the Parish. If you wish to access current applications you can view them by clicking on the link below.

If your organisation is considering submitting a large scale application in the parish North Mundham Parish Council would welcome early engagement with you and your team.   The Parish Council hopes that by engaging with potential applicants that the residents aspirations are incorporated in the application at an early stage.  The Parish Council has adopted a protocol for engaging with developers. Please contact the clerk at to arrange a pre-application meeting.

To view any other planning applications follow this link:

You are browsing Planning Applications for the year 2024

App NoLocationProposal
24/01859/FULLand Adjacent to Lime Kiln Barn, Runcton Lane, Runcton, PO20 1XJConstruction of a renewable energy project comprising solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and associated works including inverters, transformers, substation and on-site collecting cable, access tracks, security fencing and gates, CCTV cameras and poles, landscaping, and temporary construction compounds.
24/01709/DOMMill House Cottage, Mill Lane, Runcton, PO20 1PPProposed single storey rear extension. Internal Alterations.
24/01823/FUL1 Southlands Mill Lane Runcton PO20 1PNRetrospective (section 73a) and continued use of domestic outbuilding as a self-contained holiday accommodation.
24/01680/DOMBanwell Farm House Bowley Lane South MundhamReplacement of front 1st floor windows and internal alterations including changes to inglenook and layout. Removal of cement render, alteration and replacement of windows and construction of lean-to rear extension
24/01681/LBCBanwell Farm House Bowley Lane South MundhamReplacement of front 1st floor windows and internal alterations including changes to inglenook and layout. Removal of cement render, alteration and replacement of windows and construction of lean-to rear extension
24/01683/LBCThe Barn Banwell Farm Bowley Lane South MundhamReplacement of modern fenestration, reinstatement of threshing opening and barn door shutters. Replacement of cladding from threshing bay cheeks
24/01682/DOMThe Barn Banwell Farm Bowley Lane South MundhamReplacement of modern fenestration, reinstatement of threshing opening and barn door shutters. Replacement of cladding from threshing bay cheeks
24/01734/PNOFootpath Nursery Post Office Lane North Mundham PO20 1JYMultispan polythene tunnel
24/01478/REMLand South Of Lowlands North MundhamAll outstanding reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the provision of public open space including informal amenity open space, bandstand and community orchard pursuant to (outline aspect of) planning permission NM/20/02989/FUL.
24/00899/DOCLand South of Lowlands North MundhamDischarge of Conditions 8 (levels), 12 (foul drainage), 13 (surface water drainage), 14 (maintenance of watercourses) and 15 (diversion of public sewer) of Planning Permission NM/20/02989/FUL
24/01424/PA3QFisher Common Nursery, Fisher Lane, North Mundham, PO20 1YUChange of use to a single dwelling including installation of new doors and windows.
24/01443/EIALand South Of Mundham, Runcton Lane, Runcton, PO20 1XJEIA screening request - solar farm including the PV panels, supporting infrastructure including inverters, transformers, substation, fencing, CCTV cameras, access tracks and biodiversity mitigation. Kind regards,
24/01386/TPAThe Flint House, School Lane, North Mundham, PO20 1LAHeight reduce by 4m and width reduce on northern and southern sectors by 2m, eastern sector by 2.5m and western by 1.5m on 1 no. Oak tree (T1), subject to 90/00745/TPO
24/01204/FULBrick Kiln Garden Centre, Merston, PO20 1EJErection of open-sided infill canopy
24/00697/FULLand East of The Spinney, Pagham Road, Runcton, PO20 1LDChange of use of land to a travellers caravan site for 5 no. pitches
24/00577/FULThe Bourne, Fisher Lane, North Mundham, PO20 1YUErection of replacement dwellinghouse and associated works
24/01178/FULNatures Way Foods, Runcton Unit, Chichester Food Park, Bognor Road, PO20 1NWInstallation of 10 no. externally mounted inverters to support roof mounted solar array
24/01127/PA14JChichester Food Park, Runcton Unit, Chichester Food Park PO20 1NWInstallation of roof mounted solar panels
P/35/24/OUTLand South of Summer Lane PaghamOutline application with some matters reserved for a proposed residential development of up to 110 No. dwellings including means of access into the site (not internal roads), with all other matters (relating to appearance, landscaping, scale and layout) reserved. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan and affects a Public Right of Way.
24/00903/DOMThe Old School House School Lane North MundhamConversion of existing conservatory
24/00908/LBCThe Old School House School Lane North MundhamConversion of existing conservatory
24/00697/FULLand East Of The Spinney, Pagham Road, RunctonChange of use of land to a travellers caravan site for 5 no. pitches
P/15/24/OUTLand South of Summer Lane PaghamOutline application with some matters reserved for a proposed residential development of up to 120 No dwellings including means of access into the site (not internal roads), with all other matters (relating to appearance, landscaping, scale and layout) reserved. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan and affects a Public Right of Way.
24/00450/FULMarsh Farm Vinnetrow Road Runcton ChichesterNew Tank and Alterations to Coldstore to enable the installation of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
24/00397/FULMarsh Farm, Vinnetrow Road, Runcton, PO20 1QDPipe connection over Bridleway to enable connection of a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system to existing glasshouses.
24/00346/ELDRose Cottage, Runcton Lane, Runcton, PO20 1PSUse of building as a residential annex
24/00287/DOMSouth Mundham House South MundhamSingle storey rear extension with internal and external alterations
24/00288/LBCSouth Mundham House South MundhamSingle storey rear extension with internal and external alterations.
23/02863/REMLand South Of Lowlands North MundhamApplication for the approval of remaining reserved matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) following planning permission NM/20/02989/FUL - Provision of a 3.5m wide footway/cycleway link to the village through the West Sussex Alternative Provisions College with reconfiguration of existing car parking spaces.
23/02919/TPAWoldhurst Court Runcton Lane RunctonHeight reduce by 9m and crown reduce north sector back by 2m, east sector back by 1.5m and west sector back by 1m on 1 no. Lombardy Poplar tree (T12), subject to 02/00751/TPO
23/02885/FULKingfisher Farm House Fisher Lane South Mundham PO20 1NDProposed Barn