Annual Meeting of Electors Questionnaire

At the Annaul Meeting of Electors meeting held on 9th May 2017 a questionnaire was provided for all those attending.

Anaylisis of Questionnaire



Village Hall Users Requirements

In 2010 The Parish Council undertook a survey to asscertain the priority of the residents and village hall users prior to further improvement works taking place in the hall


Anaylisis of Village Hall Questionaire



New Homes Bonus Questionaire

To enable the Parish Council to apply for the New Homes Bonus Grant the Parish Council were required to consult with the residents on the parish





Parish Action Plan

In 2005 every household in the parish received a copy of the Parish Action Plan.  Much of the information in the Plan came from a Questionnaire completed by a very high percentage of the households in the parish.

To make sure the Parish Action Plan stays up to date, the Parish Council asked one member of  every household in the village to fill in a questionnaire.

The questionnaire and its results are available below for you to download:

:: Questionnaire:

:: Questionnaire Results: