Location of Wheatlands Application

Location of Wheatlands Application

North Mundham Parish Council would like to inform you that an Environmental Impact Assessement Application has been submitted in relation to the land at Wheatlands.

Application Number: 24/02187/EIA

Application Title: Land South Of Lagness Road North Mundham

Proposal: EIA screening request – required to determine if an Envirnomental Impact Assessment is required for Gleesons emerging proposals for Land South of Lagness Road, Runcton.

The District Council has determined that an Environment Impact Assessment is not required.

Therefore the planning agents have submitted the outline application

Application Number: 24/02724/OUT 

Address: Land South Of Lagness Road And Adjacent To And Within Wheatlands, Pagham Road, Runcton, PO20 1LJ

Proposal: Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the demolition of an existing residential property, outbuildings and associated structures, and the erection of up to 109 residential dwellings including affordable housing with provision of vehicular access and pedestrian and cycle access from Lagness Road and pedestrian and cycle access from Saltham Lane, alongside public open spaces, biodiversity enhancement, sustainable urban drainage systems, landscaping, infrastructure and earthworks.

The Parish Council has engaged a planning consultant to assist the Parish Council in formulate a view and the Parish Councils response to this application.

The Planning Committee reviewed this application at its meeting on 14th January 2025.  The Committee resolved to OBJECT to this application.  Here is the Parish Council’s OBJECTION.

Landscaping Masterplan BNRG Langmeads

Landscaping Masterplan BNRG Langmeads

North Mundham Parish Council would like to advise you that the proposed application for a Solar Farm in South Mundham is now live on Chichester District Council’s website.

Application Reference: 24/01859/FUL

Application Title: Land Adjacent to Lime Kiln Barn, Runcton Lane, Runcton, PO20 1XJ

Proposal: Construction of a renewable energy project comprising solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and associated works including inverters, transformers, substation and on-site collecting cable, access tracks, security fencing and gates, CCTV cameras and poles, landscaping, and temporary construction compounds.

The Parish Council will be considering this application at an extra ordinary parish council meeting, the Parish Council has engaged a Planning Consultant to assist the Parish Council with forming a view on this application and the response.  The date for the meeting is yet to be arranged, but it will be advertised here as soon as it is available.

Please take the time to review this application and submit your views directly to Chichester District Council.

The Parish Council has submitted to Chichester District Council a formal response expressing concern about the inconsistencies and mistakes in the application, which is available to view on the District Council website.  The applicants Planning Agent has submitted a response to our concerns which you can read here.  These have been submitted to the Parish Council’s Planning Consultant for consideration.  Once the applicant has submitted their  construction environment management plan  (CEMP), our Planning Agent will review this and we will call the extra ordinary parish council meeting to consider this application.

The Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting  to discuss this applicaton was held on 3rd December 2024.

The Parish Council RESOLVED to object to this application.  Here is the Parish Council’s OBJECTION, Appendix 1, Appendix 2, and Appendix 3.

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North Mundham Parish Council is a Quality Council made up of nine local people elected to represent the interests of the whole community. Where possible to find solutions to local problems and influence the decisions that affect the Parish. The site will enable you to find out about our vibrant community and understand the roles and responsibilities of the Parish Council.

It is our intention to enable more residents to play an active role in the Community, by participating in more activities, attending Parish Council meetings, taking advantage of the excellent facilities while thoroughly enjoying living in the Parish of North Mundham.

The site will allow you to keep up to date with new developments and consultations.

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